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Property Management | Landlord Education Blog

Blog Post Unleash Your Happy Place: Easy Tips for Military Families (and Everyone!)

Unleash Your Happy Place: Easy Tips for Military Families (and Everyone!)

Did you know your home can actually boost your mood? It's true! Studies show our surroundings play a big role in how we feel. This is especially important for military families who move frequently.Frequent moves can make it tough to feel settled. But guess what? You can still...
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Blog Post Do My Property Management Fees Cover Maintenance?

Do My Property Management Fees Cover Maintenance?

Virginia is an excellent state for property investment, boasting low rental vacancy rates and a growing economy. This positive outlook is a promising prospect for Hampton Roads landlords, but it doesn't mean you can neglect your responsibilities.To retain your tenants and avo...
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Blog Post Credit Score Conquest: Your Roadmap to VA Loan Approval and Financial Freedom

Credit Score Conquest: Your Roadmap to VA Loan Approval and Financial Freedom

The military lifestyle, marked by frequent moves and demanding schedules, can pose unique financial challenges. For many service members, the dream of homeownership often hinges on securing a VA loan. However, achieving this goal requires more than just military eligibility; it n...
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Blog Post Things to Consider When Choosing a Leasing Agent in Hampton Roads, VA

Things to Consider When Choosing a Leasing Agent in Hampton Roads, VA

You've just unlocked the door to your newest rental property, a quaint bungalow nestled in a vibrant part of town. The paint is fresh, the landscaping is pristine, and the air is filled with the excitement of potential. But as you stand in the empty living room, you realize t...
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Blog Post Can You Become a Millionaire During Your Military Career?

Can You Become a Millionaire During Your Military Career?

When we consider growing wealth through real estate, it's not just a personal financial endeavor—it's another way to serve your country. By building generational wealth, you contribute to the stability of neighborhoods and cities, and most importantly, you secure yo...
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Blog Post How We Screen Your Rental Applicants in Hampton Roads, VA

How We Screen Your Rental Applicants in Hampton Roads, VA

Property management would be easier with a crystal ball. You could look into the future and make every decision with 100% confidence. But without that crystal ball, your choices must be calculated based on having the best information to hand.That's why a tenant criminal backg...
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Blog Post Military Real Estate Investment: How Service Members in Hampton Roads Build Wealth

Military Real Estate Investment: How Service Members in Hampton Roads Build Wealth

Hampton Roads stands out globally for its prominent military presence, boasting 15 military installations and housing 80,000 active-duty personnel. Naval Support Activity (NSA) Hampton Roads is notable for having the highest concentration of fleet headquarters, administrative, an...
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Blog Post How to Keep Great Tenants in Your Hampton Roads, VA Investment Property?

How to Keep Great Tenants in Your Hampton Roads, VA Investment Property?

You've had a great tenant for a whole year, but then they let you know that they aren't looking to renew their lease. While this isn't an uncommon occurrence, it's not exactly what you want to hear. A vacancy means a loss of rental income and the hunt for a replac...
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Blog Post Financial Stability for Military Families: A Path to Peace of Mind

Financial Stability for Military Families: A Path to Peace of Mind

Military personnel and their families face unique pressures and emotional challenges in their careers, making financial security essential. Achieving financial stability brings peace of mind, reduces stress, and allows families to focus on their duties. Furthermore, securing fina...
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Blog Post Decrease Vacancy in Hampton Roads, Virginia With Creative Leasing Strategies

Decrease Vacancy in Hampton Roads, Virginia With Creative Leasing Strategies

Have you ever wondered how to make your investment property in Hampton Roads, Virginia, stand out from the crowd? In today's competitive market, securing long-term tenants requires more than just listing your property and hoping for the best.You need to have a plan in place t...
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